
Video Galleries

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EasyDNNnews 12.3 (Blogs, News, Articles, Events, Documents, Classifieds, RSS feeds and AI)

EasyDNNnews is a very powerful DotNetNuke module that enables non-technical users to publish and manage articles. Adding pictures to articles is easier than ever. EasyDNNnews can be used for blogs, news websites, events, product catalogs, RSS feed, or you can run a complex newspaper website
From $59.95

EasyDNNgallery 11.9 (Image gallery, video gallery and audio gallery)

A professional DNN image, video & audio gallery. Easy to use, yet rich in options. Over 20 types of various types of galleries, with hundreds of possible combinations. Excels as a web gallery while doing a great job as a community gallery as well.
From $59.95

EasyDNNrotator 10.9.5 (Image, Video and HTML Slide Show)

EasyDNNrotator is a new DotNetNuke module that rotates content such as images, video and HTML. By setting and studying its options, you can create unique layouts that will perfectly fit your websites and attract the attention of your visitors
From $59.95

Advanced News Articles v14

Advanced News Articles is the legacy Ventrian News Articles plus 200 new features/options, 8 new widgets, 6 new Templates and 1 dnn theme added to it'; which made it one of the most powerful modules ever created in DNN ecosystem.
From $99.00


A professional DNN image Gallery - video Gallery. The best of responsive Grid Gallery Module, with many option layouts already defined for display (You can preview Layout with over 20 types of various types of galleries or you can custom in 23 layouts) and many lightbox skin (for DNN7, DNN8 & DNN9)
From $19.99

EasyDNNnews 10.9 (Blog, News, Article, Events, Documents, Classifieds and RSS feeds)

EasyDNNnews is a very powerful DotNetNuke module that enables non-technical users to publish and manage articles. Adding pictures to articles is easier than ever. EasyDNNnews can be used for blogs, news websites, events, product catalogs, RSS feed, or you can run a complex newspaper website
From $49.95

EasyDNNgallery 10.8 (Image gallery, video gallery and audio gallery)

A professional DNN image, video & audio gallery. Easy to use, yet rich in options. Over 20 types of various types of galleries, with hundreds of possible combinations. Excels as a web gallery while doing a great job as a community gallery as well.
From $49.95

EasyDNNrotator 10.8 (Image, Video and HTML Slide Show)

EasyDNNrotator is a new DotNetNuke module that rotates content such as images, video and HTML. By setting and studying its options, you can create unique layouts that will perfectly fit your websites and attract the attention of your visitors
From $49.95

Responsive-Grid-Media-Gallery/ Portfolio Box/ V07.03/ ModuleDNN

A professional responsive Grid Media Gallery - Porfolio Box, with Your Photos, Videos(from Youtube, Vimeo) and Sound (from with optimize css & jQuery Searching, Sorting, Lazy load effect and many transition effect.
From $19.99


A professional DNN with Metro Flat Style for Portfolio - image & video Gallery. The best of responsive Metro Gallery Module, with many Flat icons and many option layouts already defined for display (Easy to preview with over 14 preset types of various types of galleries) and many lightbox skin
From $14.99

Classified Pro 9.3 - eCommerce & Store & Auction & Classified Ads & Content Localization & DNN 9.2

17 sub modules include which helps you to create an online store, auction site and publish classified ads. Sell everything like physical goods/digital files/portal roles/services. Content localization /Multiple sellers /Amazon S3/ Google Maps/ Custom fields/ Responsive layout support.
From $0.00

Live Content 7

One versatile module that does it all. Picture & Video Galleries, DNN Modules, Audio Library, HTML Content, Maps, PDF, Flash, and even External Content (iFrame)
From $129.00

Cross Video Gallery 7.2 - video & audio & YouTube & content localization, Html 5 & Mobile & DNN 9.2

14 sub modules include and multiple users support. Automatic import YouTube videos and convert videos to .flv or h264 format. Html 5 & Flash player based to support iPhone/mobile. Template/Custom fields/Ad video/Google video sitemap/Responsive layout support. Amazon S3/Content localization support.
From $0.00

Cross Article 8.8 - News & Blog & Media & Survey & Document & Content Localization & DNN 9.2

14 sub modules include that enables multi-user to publish news, articles, blogs and everything else, like real estate, cars, job listing, product catalogs, classified ads, documents, etc. Content localization & custom attributes & template & file upload & responsive layout support.
From $0.00

GlobalGallery 2.1.3: The best and easier way to create galleries of media files you already have

A simple (yet powerful) gallery for your local or off-site media files. Evotiva DNN Global Gallery is an easy to use and flexible media gallery that allows you to present template-based filtered views of the portal's local or remote (via DNNGlobalStorage) media files. Optimized for remote media.
From $0.00


A professional jQuery Map Listing with google map. Easy to define many markers for your shop locations with unlimited locations in Regions (DNN7 & DNN8)
From $17.99

DNN Essentials Collection

Essential collections for every DNN site. Basic, Plus, Premium, Ultimate, eCommerce or Complete Collection.
From $749.00