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Video & Audio & YouTube Demos
Demo 1 -
publish videos (flv, mp4, WebM video, YouTube video, RTMP streaming)
Demo 2 -
publish audio (.mp3 / .aac / .m4a / .f4a music)
Demo 3 -
Automatic import YouTube videos
Demo 4 -
Advanced media search
Responsive layout support demos
Demo 1 -
Video list responsive layout support
Demo 2 -
Video player responsive layout support
Slideshow demos
1 -
show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow (misc)
2 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Galleria" mode
3 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Pgw Gallery" mode
4 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Pgw Slider" mode
5 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Carousel flow gallery" mode
6 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Numeric Rotator" mode
7 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Bootstrap Carousel" mode
8 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Unslider" mode
9 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Lite Accordion" mode
10 -
Show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow - "Slidorion" mode
11 -
Show videos/audio with Adobe Flash slideshow
12 -
Show videos/audio with JQuery tabs (supports 24 tab style)
Note, some slideshows are created via our "Cross Photo Gallery" module, but "Cross Video Gallery" (and also other modules of us, like "Cross Article", "Classified Pro") can support same slideshow effects too.
2. Introduction
Cross Video Gallery 7.2 is an enterprise-class DNN module that enables multi-user to publish videos/audio and attach images/documents as easy as ABC. It includes 14 sub modules which offer many cool features, as follows:
1. Powerful yet easy to use, v6.x introduces a new setup wizard to guide you to configure module step by step, all you need to do is just click “Next” to follow this wizard.
2. Supports both HTML5 & Flash player to play videos/audio. It automatically selects the best playback for your viewer's device and browser, so you deliver unparalleled video/audio experience on iPhone, iPad, Android, Mobile, and the Desktop.
3. Includes 9 player skins, and support advanced video play features, like chapter markers file / preview thumbnails file / multiple language captions / auto loads related videos /sharing videos, etc. V6.8 also allows you to brand the player by specifying custom logo file.
4. Video/audio can be from site file, embed code, or external urls (like YouTube) and RTMP streaming. They can be published as stand-alone medias, or publish as serials so visitors can watch/listen them one by one. Module also supports ad video (advertisement video).
5. Automatic imports YouTube videos (like user upload / user favorite/ user play list, or search based certain condition) into user video list. And uses YouTube’s iFrame API to play YouTube content on iOS and Android devices, so they can be watched on both PC and Mobile.
6. Content localization support, you can publish media information (description/categories/tags...) with multiple languages (e.g. English and Chinese) in same portal.
7. Multiple authors support, authorized users can post their own videos/audio and attach photos/documents with media. Each author can manage his files. Module provides two upload methods: MS Silverlight upload control (allows uploading big size files) and Java Script upload control (PC and iPhone/iPad/Android/Mobile support), it also supports automatic conversion of user uploaded videos to .flv or h.264 format.
8. Template-driven layout and design. All sub modules are template based, module already includes 5 built-in templates, and you can create your own templates if necessary.
9. Responsive layout support, so in combination with responsive skins they will adjust to smartphone and tablet screens.
10. Display videos/audio with data list, data grid, JQuery tabs (24 style), JavaScript slideshow (10 effects), and Adobe Flash slideshow.
11. Create extra media attributes, or disable unwanted video/audio attributes as your wish.
12. The new advanced search feature allows you to specify the search conditions, you can search based every built-in data fields and custom attributes which you create. Also fully integrates with DNN built-in search mechanism.
13. RSS/Email integration.
14. There are 14 sub modules in package, but all data are manage via 1 single sub module (CrossVideo_Admin), the other 13 sub modules are used to display related data.
15. Fully integrate with DNN built-in journal. When a new video/audio/comment is created, it will automatic be added in author journals.
16. Integrate with DNN built-in social, author can share video/audio to his/her friends/followers and groups.
17. SEO friendly url / Google website map / Google video sitemap support to let search engines to index your videos/audio more easily.
18. Google Maps / Amazon Simple Storage Services (Amazon S3) integration.
19. Fully rewrote based DNN 8 framework, to utilize the new features which are introduced in DNN 7/8 platform
It is one of the best solutions for video/audio/YouTube share site. You can visit http://DnnModule.com/FreeDownload.aspx to download 60 days trial version which can be used in official domain names. Please read “Cross Video Gallery 7.2 user guide.pdf” before test it.
Please note, v7.2 requires DNN 9.2+ to run. If your sites are still in DNN 5.x/6.x/7.x/8.x/9.0/9.1, please check other old versions at http://dnnmodule.com/Store.aspx.
3. Module Highlights
3.1 Easy of use, DNN 9.2 based, Content Localization, HTML 5 & Flash player, Advanced Player Features, Video/Audio format support, Browser & Device support, MP4 video encoding online/offline, YouTube import
3.1.1 Fully rewrote based DNN 9.2, provide setup wizard to make it easy of use

P1 - Setup
v7.2 is fully rewrote based DNN 9.2, to utilize the new features in DNN 9 platform (like the services framework mechanism, Ajax, form pattern). And we try our best to make this module easy of use and self-explanation. When you run module first time, it will show a setup wizard to guide you to configure it step by step, all you need to do is click "Next" to follow wizard. It is so easy.
3.1.2 Content localization support, allows you to publish information (media description / categories / tags, etc.) with multiple languages (e.g. English, French and Chinese) in same portal
Localization in DNN can be done in two different ways, Cross Video Gallery supports both of them well. Which way to choose depends on the content of your site, and how you want to localize this content for different languages and countries.
The simplest way to start offering your site in multiple languages is to add a portal per language. Cross Video Gallery supports this situation easily using its setup wizard. For example, if you want to publish articles to both English and Chinese readers, you can create two portals (cn.yoursite.com and en.yoursite.com), and configure two different sites with Cross Video Gallery. This is the classical (old) way in DNN world.
The second way is to offer multiple languages content in same portal. For example, publish pages/videos with both Chinese and English, when Chinese reader visit your site, show Chinese content of pages/videos; when English reader visit your site, show English content of pages/videos. For this situation, DNN has a built-in feature (since DNN 7.0) called "Content Localization". This feature allows a site owner to duplicate a site for each desired language, and permit a seamless switch between the different languages. This is today's popular trend and we strongly recommend you to choose this way to support multiple languages.
Cross Video Gallery works seamless with this localization way, and it uses a elegant method to handle multiple contents. All data in Cross Video Gallery (media description/categories/attributes/tags, etc.) can be localized, and you only need to focus the necessary part. For example, the video title should be translated into different languages, but video image doesn't need to translate. The localization mechanism in Cross Video Gallery is straightforward and easy.

3.1.3 Supports both HTML5 & Flash player to play your videos/audios
Module supports both HTML5 & Flash player to play videos/audios. It automatically selects the best playback for your viewer's device and browser, so you deliver unparalleled video/audio experience on iPhone, iPad, Android, Mobile, and the Desktop.
For live demo, please visit http://dnnmodule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/VideoList/VideoDetail/tabid/125/VideoId/17/Default.aspx, it is a mp4 video (h264 format) so Cross Video Gallery will play it using HTML 5 video tag. This video can also be played using iPhone, iPad, Android, Mobile.
Also visit http://dnnmodule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/VideoList/VideoDetail/tabid/125/VideoId/3/Default.aspx, you will see Cross Video Gallery play it using adobe Flash because it is a .flv video and can't be played via HTML 5 video tag.
3.1.4 9 player skins, custom player logo, chapter markers file, preview thumbnails file, multiple language captions, auto loads related videos, sharing videos
The player includes 9 built-in skins, in v6.8, it also allows you to specify a custom logo file which overlays on the player. It also supports many advanced features, like chapter markers file / preview thumbnails file / multiple language captions / auto loads related videos /sharing.

Custom player logo
3.1.5 Video/Audio format support
The video source can come from followings:
1. Local File, MP4 videos (files with .mp4/.m4v/.f4v/mov extensions), FLV videos(file with .flv extension) and WebM videos (file with .webm extension) which you uploaded to site. Module can automatic convert other video format to .flv or h264 (.mp4) format.
2. Embed Code, embed code from other video share sites, e.g. YouTube.com/YouKu.com, etc.
3. External Url, include follows
(A): Video file in exernal site, e.g. http://DnnModule.com/portals/0/test.mp4
(B): Http stream, e.g. http://http://DnnModule.com/video.aspx?videoid=3.
(C): YouTube video url, e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylLzyHk54Z0
(D): RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) streaming. Cross Video Gallery supports both Wowza Media Server and Adobe Media Server (the two major RTMP servers in the world).
The following CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) support RTMP and are also tested to work great with Cross Video Gallery module. Akamai, CDNetworks, CloudFront (Amazon Web Services), Edgecast, Limelight

The audio source can come from followings:
1. Local File, AAC audios (files with .aac/.m4a/.f4a extensions), MP3 audios (file with .mp3 extension) and Vorbis audios (files with .ogg/.oga extensions) which you uploaded to site.
2. Embed Code, embed code from other audio share sites.
3. External Url, include follows
(A): Audio file in exernal site, e.g. http://DnnModule.com/portals/0/test.mp3
(B): Http stream, e.g. http://http://DnnModule.com/audio.aspx?audioid=3.
(C): RTMP streaming, e.g rtmp://example.com/vod/mp3:myFolder/mySong.mp3.
3.1.6 Browser and Device support
This table lists which desktop browsers are fully supported by Cross Video Gallery, using HTML5 and/or Flash:

This table lists which mobile devices are officially supported by Cross Video Gallery v6.6, using HTML5:

3.1.7 Convert user uploaded video to h264 (.mp4) format online
Since Cross Video Gallery supports both Flash and HTML5 on desktops. MP4 is the single format that can be used to serve all browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, etc) and devices (iOS, Android, etc). However, user may upload different type of videos, so it is necessary to encode user uploaded videos to h264 (.mp4) format online, and generate thumbnail. Just like YouTube.com did.
Below is a incomplete list which module can convert online:
1 Real Video (.rm,.rmvb)
2 Microsoft Media (.wmv, .asf,.wm)
3 Apple QuickTime(.mov)
4 DivX/XVID/Motion Jpeg (.avi)
5 Mpeg 1/2 encoded DVD video (.mpg,.mpeg,.mpe,.vob)
6 Flash video (.flv,.f4b,.f4v)
7 Mobile phone video format (.3gp,3g2)
8 Apple/Sony mp4 (.mp4,.m4a,.m4v)

P6 - Video Convert
3.1.8 Convert videos offline
We also provide a windows application which can convert video and capture thumbnails. Visit http://DnnModule.com/FreeDownload.aspx to download it.
3.1.9 Automatic imports videos from YouTube
If you only have a few videos which come from YouTube, you can choose to add them directly. If you have many videos, you can choose to create a YouTube RSS to let module automatic import for you.
You can create YouTube RSS based user upload / user favorite / user play list, or based YouTube standard feeds (like most popular, most viewed, etc), you can also create RSS based YouTube category and search condition. Module will use DNN schedule jobs to check these RSS item periodically and automatic import videos for you.
For example, if you create a YouTube RSS item based your YouTube account, then when you upload a new video on YouTube.com, Cross Video Gallery will detect this new video and import it into your own video list (or into your video serial). You can edit/delete/view them and get comment/rating/recommend just like other videos.

3.2 Stand alone and serial video/audio, Ad Video, Thumbnail and watermark
3.2.1 Stand alone and serial video/audio
You can publish videos/audios as stand alone media, or publish them as serials. Serial is a group of videos/audios, you can put multiple audios/videos in a serial so user can watch/listen them one by one.
3.2.2 Ad Video (advertisement video)
Module allows you to specify a ad video which will be played before (or after) the actual video. You can also specify its play probability (0-100) . This will be helpful if you want to make money via your videos
3.2.3 Generate thumbnail & add watermark to user upload images
In v6.3, you can control whether to add watermark to user upload images. The watermark source can be text, or a small gif image. This is a useful feature if you want to protect your images.

P7 - Watermark settings.

P8 - text based watermark.
3.3 Multiple-author support, Author file manage, File upload for PC and mobile, Amazon S3, DNN 7.x social and journal
3.3.1 Multi-author support.
Cross Video Gallery is multi-author based. Administrator can choose roles which can post videos/audios, specify disk quota and item count this role can have.
3.3.2 Ajax based author file manage (via DNN 7 services framework)
Author can manage his own folders/files. When edit his videos/audio, he can choose related files (images/videos/documents, etc) from these files. In v6.5, we rewrote the old "author file management" control, to share the same interface as the DNN built-in "File Management" feature. It is now fully Ajax based, and also support right-click popup menu. Just like site administrator can do in DNN standard “File Management” page, author can do same work too. Except the “Upload“ function, module provides a more powerful tool.

P8 - Author file manage
3.3.3 Two file upload controls which support both PC and Mobile/Tablet (iPhone/iPad/Android, etc).
Module provides two upload methods: the Ms Silverlight upload control and the JavaScript upload control. For PC user, we recommend the Ms Silverlight control. It allows the author to upload multiple/large size files (for example, 500mb), and it doesn't require you to change anything in site configuration. However, if author uses iPhone/iPad/Android which can't run MS Silverlight plug-in, he can choose the traditional JavaScript upload control, this upload control works the same as DNN built-in upload control. It is easy to use and supports drag uploading.

P9 - File Upload (Ms Silverlight Upload Control).

P10 - File Upload (JavaScript Upload Control).
3.3.4 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. You can use it easily in Cross Video Gallery module, simple change storage type as “Amazon S3” and enter your account information.

P14 - Amazon S3
User share similar file manager interface like store in local site. For more information about Amazon S3, check http://aws.amazon.com/s3/.
3.3.5 DNN 7.x built-in journal and social integrate
Journal and Social are the most important features which introduced in DNN 7.x. In Cross Video Gallery 6.3, you can integrate with these features easily. When a new video/audio and comment is created, module will automatic add related item to author journals. Besides that, media owner can also share video/audio to his friends/followers or his groups. In v7.1, module can also show videos/audio which belong to a specific user (or specific group).

P15 - DNN 7.x built-in journal integrate

P16 - share video to friends/followers and groups
3.4 Gallery, Custom attributes, Category, Tag, Publish varied information, Advanced Search
3.4.1 Media gallery (media type)
Galleries are top-level unit to organize information. Each gallery has its own categories / attributes / tags / videos (or audio).
Tips: some people may ask “why do we need gallery?” Well, gallery is mainly used to organize attributes / categories. For example, if you use Cross Video Gallery to publish both videos and audio, you may need create different attributes for video and audio, and you also need different categories to organize them. Gallery allows you to solve this problem easily.
3.4.2 Disable unwanted fields
Video/Audio has some built-in fields, like author/source/image,etc. You can disable them If necessary. If a field is disabled, then it will not display on edit interface which belong to current gallery. And of course, it will also disappear in video/audio list and detail module too.

3.4.3 Create extra data fields (for long content)
Besides the built-in field, each gallery also supports up to 5 additional fields to allow you to publish long content (text/html content). You can specify its title and default value. If a field is enabled, then it will display on media edit interface and detail which belong to current gallery.
3.4.4 Create extra data fields (for short content)
Video/Audio attributes (e.g. "Director" or "Actor") are used to create inter-dependent video/audio variations. After create an attribute, you can then enter specific attribute values for an individual video/audio (e.g. "Bruce Lee", "Jack Chen", "Sylvester Stallone").

P9 - Customize attributes.
Below is a list of data types you can specify for attribute:
A. Basic data like string / int / decimal / datetime / date / time / Boolean / currency.
B. Special data like email / image / url / text html.
You can specify a list of value for attribute, and display them as drop down list /radio list/ check box list. User can choose one (or many) of them while edit medias. After create, these fields will be treated the same as built-in fields. You can add/edit their value, display them on video/audio list module and detail module. Since v6.5, these custom data fields can also be searched too.

3.4.5 Unlimited level categories
Each gallery has its own categories. You can add unlimited level of categories. A video/audio can belong to multiple categories.

. 3.4.6 Tags
Each gallery has its own tag list. A video/audio can belong to multiple tags.
3.4.7 Publish varied information
By using gallery / attributes / categories / tags, you can publish any type of media information as your wish and show them in different styles.
3.4.8 Advanced search with all built-in (and custom) fields, also integrate with DNN built-in global search

The new advanced search feature in v6.5 allows you to specify the search conditions, you can search based every built-in data fields and custom attributes which you create. Also fully integrates with DNN built-in search mechanism.using gallery / attributes / categories / tags, you can publish any type of media information as your wish and show them in different styles.
3.5 Video/Audio, Permissions, Images & Attachments, Private, Protected
3.5.1 Video/Audio
A video/audio can belong to multiple categories/tags. You can put multiple video/audios into 1 serial to let user to watch them one by one. Module provide a “Add from folder“ feature to let you to add multiple medias into serial more easily.
3.5.2 Permission
Administrator can set default view / rate / recommend / comment / attachment download permission for all media. Besides that, each media can has its own view / rate / recommend / comment / attachment download permissions.
3.5.3 Related Image/Attachment
A video/audio can have multiple images/attachments with it. If author has disk quota, he can choose his own files to add. If his disk quota is set to 0, he can only add from external url.
If you have multiple video/image/audio to add, instead of add them one by one, you can upload them to a folder, and choose “Add from folder “ to add them once.

P13 - Add video from folder

P14 - play related images in video/audio detail.
3.5.4 Private video/audio
If a video/audio (or serial) is marked as private ,then it can only be viewed by site administrator and media owners.
. 3.5.5 Protected video/audio
If a video/audio (or serial) is marked as protected, then visitors need to enter correct password before view it. Of course, site administrator and media owner don't need to input password.
3.6 Comment, Rating, Recommend, Help ticket, Play list, Abuse Report, Avatar, Bookmark
3.6.1 Comment/rating/recommend
Visitor can submit comment/rating/recommend to media. Administrator can decide which role has these permissions.
3.6.2 Help Ticket
Registered user can submit help ticket to author to get 1-to-1 help.
3.6.3 Play list
Registered user can add video/audio to his play list.
3.6.4 Abuse Report
If a visitor feels video/audio is inappropriate, he can submit abuse report to site administrators. Administrators can delete video/audio based these feedback.
3.6.5 Avatar and Social bookmark
Integrate avatar at http://www.gravatar.com/ and also support social bookmark like Google,Facebook,Live bookmarks etc.

3.7 Ajax, Show videos with list / grid / JQuery tabs / JavaScript slideshow, Template-driven layout and design, Responsive layout, Controllable
3.7.1 Fully integrate Ajax via JQuery
Provide a uninterrupted watch experience is vital to a video/audio share site. This is why we spend many days to fully integrate Ajax in Cross Video Gallery module. Whenever visitor submit help ticket / create report abuse, or post rating / comment / recommend, they are all done via Ajax and don't refresh page to break user video/audio watching.
By the way, we implement Ajax based JQuery (which is part of DotNetNuke platform), so you don't need to install 3-rd components.

3.7.2 Show videos/audio with data list, data grid, JQuery tabs, JavaScript slideshow and Flash Slideshow.
There are 14 sub modules in Cross Video Gallery package, 4 of them are used to show video/audio. As follows:
1. CrossVideo_List sub module is used to show media with data list (or data grid), check http://dnnmodule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/DNNVideoGalleryModule.aspx for live demo.
2. CrossVideo_ListDashboard sub module is used to show featured media with Adobe Flash slideshow.
3. CrossVideo_Slideshow sub module is new introduced in v6.5. It allows you to show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow. Currently it supports 10 slideshow mode (Numeric Rotate, Carrousel Flow Gallery, Unslider, Lite Accordion, Slidorion, Bootstrap Carousel, Galleria, Pgw Slider, Pgw Gallery, Owl Carousel), check
http://dnnmodule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/DNNVideoSlideshowmodule.aspx for live demo.

P13 - "Carrousel flow gallery" slideshow

P14 - "Unslider" slideshow
4. CrossVideo_ListTab sub modules is new introduced in v6.9. It can be used to show videos (audio) with JQuery UI tabs. Currently it supports 24 tab style, check http://dnnmodule.com/Modules/CrossArticle/DNNArticleModule.aspx for live demo (this live demo is presented by Cross Article module, but Cross Video Gallery can provide similar features).

"Flickr" tab style |

"Light" tab style |

"Sunny" tab style |
We will introduce more slideshow mode in new version. Don't hesitate to tell us if you have any funny slideshow and want to include them in our modules.
3.7.3 Template-driven layout and design
There are 14 sub modules in this package. Except the CrossVideo_Admin sub module (which used to manage all data), the other 13 modules are fully template based. There are some built-in template in package, you can try save a copy then modify them, then choose them as your display.

P19 - Template list
3.7.4 Responsive Layout support
You can choose some specific existing templates (like VideoList_Responsive.ascx file) which based responsive layout, so in combination with responsive skins they will adjust to smartphone and tablet screens. Or you can create other templates according to your responsive skin, to make them look better. Visit http://dnnmodule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/ResponsiveLayoutSupport.aspx for live demo.
For example, you can choose to show 4 items per row in PC which has big screen width (e.g, 1900 *1200)

P18 - Responsive layout - normal
When visit with mobile which has small screen width (e.g, iPhone 320 * 480), module will automatic switch to 1 item per row to fit screen width:

P19 - Responsive layout - for iPhone 320 * 480
When visit with tablet (e.g, iPad 768 * 1024), module will automatic switch to 3 items per row to fit screen width.

We have helped a lot customers to create responsive templates before, feel free to contact us if you need more details. Note, the CrossVideo_Detail sub module (which is used to play videos/audio) also supports Responsive layout. Try visit above demo page with iPhone/iPad/Mobile/Tablet, and click a video item, you will see video be played in a responsive layout player (the player width will be varied according to your mobile width).
3.7.5 Controllable
Module offers more than 1200 options to control the layout and functions. Take CrossVideo_List sub module as example:
P20 - CrossVideo_List settings
By using these options, you can achieve different layout and functions as your wish. For example:

Example 1 (Video list with search/paging/rss)

Example 2( Simple video list )

Example 3 (Image left with summary/rating/recommend/paging)
3.7.6 Controllable video player (responsive layout support)
Module provides many options to let you to control the video (audio) player layout, you can change player skin/color/appearance/play back...etc. And the video/audio player can also support responsive layout too.

3.8 Mail, SEO, Google video sitemap/web sitemap, Google Maps, RSS
3.8.1 Mail integrate
When help ticket/report abuse is submitted/responded..., module will send related mail to author/visitor.
3.8.2 SEO optimization
A: Add video/audio title to page title while view its detail.
B: Automatic add video/audio title and its tag to page “keywords”
C: Provide a option “Enable SEO friendly url“ . If this option is checked, module will generate video/audio detail page url using its title. We strongly recommend client to enable this option if you video/audio title is English.
3.8.3 Integrate with Google web site map
As we know, DNN provides a web site map which can be submitted to Google web master tools to let Google index your site more easily. By default, DNN only lists your web pages as site map urls. In v6.1, we provide a option to let Cross Video Gallery module also includes your videos/audios in web site map urls. It is a must do action if you want to your videos/audios be searched more easily.

P39 - Cross Video Gallery site map provider
3.8.4 Google video sitemap support
Besides web sitemap, Google also allows you to submit video sitemap to its webmaster tools to let Google index your videos easily. It is a must do action if you want to your videos be searched more easily. For more information,please check http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=80472.
In v5.9, module will automatic create Google video sitemap for your site to let you submit to Google easily. It is a valuable feature to improve your site traffic.

Note, there is no conflict between your web sitemap and your Google video sitemap. We strongly recommend you to submit both of them to Google if possible.
3.8.5 Google Maps integrate
In v6.3, we add Google Maps support based customer feedback. You can easily show Google Maps with your video/audio by provide its latitude and longitude. This feature is very helpful if you publish maps related information, like hotel/park...etc.

3.8.6 RSS integrate
RSS is everywhere in module, you can subscribe by gallery/category/author/module/month/tag. For example, try visit http://DnnModule.com/DesktopModules/CrossVideo/VideoRss.aspx?VideoTypeId=1 to view our RSS feed.
3.9 Centralized Manage, Online help, Security assure, UI language Localization, Search
3.9.1 Manage all information in 1 module
There are 13 sub-modules in Cross Video Gallery package. But all information (gallery / category / attributes / video / comment / help ticket....) are managed via 1 module - the CrossVideo_Admin sub module. Other 12 sub modules are all used to display content.
3.9.2 Online help is everywhere
Instead of write long and complicated help document to explain every detail of this module, we choose to integrate these information directly into module interface.
1.First, we provide detail information for every fields, whenever you feel confused, click the DNN help icon you will see detail explain.

2.For some important information, we directly put help information on module interface like below
3. We have a separate user guide document to explain how to use this module. Besides that, we also provide detail help in module interface, allow you to read them more easily.

3.9.3 Security assure
Check user input to prevent malice damage (like sql injection, script include,etc). Module also provides security code to prevent comment Spam.
3.9.4 UI language localization
All information in module support localize. You can localize them by using DNN standard localization feature. If you like, please send us a copy of your localization package at [email protected], we appreciate of your support.
3.9.5 Search
1. Integrate DNN built-in search mechanism.
2. Provide a stand alone CrossVideo_Search sub module to make search more easily.
3. Add search function in CrossVideo_List module.
4. Besides that, you can search by gallery / category / tag / author / date / month by using different sub modules, llike CrossVideo_Type / CrossVideo_Category / CrossVideo_Author,...,etc
4. 13 Sub Modules
There are 14 sub-modules in this package:
1. CrossVideo__Admin
2. CrossVideo__List
3. CrossVideo__ListDashboard
4. CorssVideo_Slideshow
5. CrossVideo__Detail
6. CrossVideo__Category
7. CrossVideo__Search
8. CrossVideo__TagList
9. CrossVideo__TagDashboard
10. CrossVideo__Archive
11. CrossVideo__Author
12. CrossVideo_Type
13. CrossVideo_WatchHistory
14. CrossVideo_ListTab
Visit http://DnnModule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/VideoList.aspx to see how they works.
4.1 CrossVideo_Admin sub module
This module is used to maintain all information related to Cross Video Gallery, like settings / gallery / category / videos/ tags/ user files / comments/ help tickets/ abuse reports.You only need 1 instance per portal in most cases (if you enable content localization, you can put multiple instances of it).

4.2 CrossVideo_List sub module
This module is used to display video/audio with data list (or data grid). You can add multiple instances as you wish
4.3 CrossVideo_ListTab sub module
Show video/audio with JQuery tabs. Supports 24 tab style.
4.4 CrossVideo_Slideshow sub module
Show video/audio list with javascript slideshow. Supports 10 slideshow effects.
4.5 CrossVideo_ListDashboard
Supports three Flash display style to display video/audio links: Numeric navigate (classical), Numeric navigate (button free), Numeric navigate (integrative). Each Flash has its own control options.

Numeric navigate(classical)

Numeric navigate(Integrative)
4.6 CrossVideo_Category
Display categories. Supports two display style: List and Tree.
4.7 CrossVideo_Search
This module is used to provide video/audio search.
4.8 CrossVideo_Detail
Display media detail information
4.9 CrossVideo_TagList
Display video tag list.
4.10 CrossVideo_TagDashboard
Display media tag list via flash .

4.11 CrossVideo_Author
Display video/audio creator list, click each item will display his video/audio list. This module is very useful if you have multiple users which have posted videos/audio to the site.
4.12 CrossVideo_Archive
Display video/audio archive by calendar and monthly. Click each item will display related media list. This module is very useful if you publish media frequency.

4.13 CrossVideo_Type
Display galleries (media type). For some reason, we call gallery as “type” in previous versions. In v5.7, we change type as “gallery” based customer’s feedback.
4.14 CrossVideo_WatchHistory
Show watch history of current user
5. Version History
v7.2 released on 7/17/2018
1. Upgrade to DNN 9.2
v7.1 released on 3/6/2017
1. New “Group ID Mapping” option added to show videos (audio) in DNN group detail page.
2. Option to hide the Ms Silverlight file upload control.
3. Using the site avatar photo as the user default photo.
4. Test under DNN 9.
v7.0 released on 12/14/2016
1. New "User Id Maping" option added based customers' feedback.
2. Improve data grid alignment.
v6.9 released on 3/16/2016
1. Rebuild based DNN 8.
2. CrossVideo_ListTab sub module added, to show videos/audio with JQuery tabs.
3. Improve the custom data attributes search mechanism.
4. 20+ new CSS packages added for JQuery tabs.
v6.7/v6.8 released on 11/16/2015
1. Content localization support.
2. Improve load speed (now runs 20% fast than before).
3. Introduce another file upload control (JavaScript based which supports iPhone/iPad/Android/Mobile and PC).
4. "Owl Carousel" slideshow effect added.
5. Upgrade to new player component, now supports 9 skins and allows to custom player logo.
v6.6 released on 8/28/2015
1. Rebuild based DNN 7.3.
2. Use YouTube’s iFrame API to play YouTube content on iOS and Android devices, so they can be watched on both PC and Mobile.
3. Closed Captions, preview image, chapter markers supported.
4. 4 new slideshow effects added.
5. Improve load speed.
1. Rebuild based DNN 7.2.
2. CrossVideo_Slideshow sub module added to show videos/audio with JavaScript slideshow.
3. Advanced search feature added.
4. Over 30+ improvements based customers’ feedback.
5. Setup wizard added to help user configure module easier.
1. Supports both HTML 5 & Flash player.
2. Improve YouTube video support.
3. Captcha added to prevent spam.
4. Improve ad video support.
1. Rebuild based DNN 7.x.
2. Photo watermark support.
3. Display photo in rss feeds.
4. Google Maps support
1. DNN 6.2 journal and social integrated
2. Play mp3 audio via html 5 audio tag in iPhone/iPad/Mobile..etc.
3. Generate thumbnail for pre-existing videos
1. Improve iPhone/iPad/mobile support.
2.Google web sitemap supported.
6. Try before you buy
We strongly recommend you try this module before you buy. You can
1. View live demo at http://DnnModule.com/Modules/CrossVideoGallery/VideoList.aspx.
2. Download 60 days trial version at http://DnnModule.com/FreeDownload.aspx. The trial version can be installed on official domain names.
7. Upgrade policy
All modules from DnnModule.com are customer-driven, v7.2 is the 37th generation of this product. We have received many suggestions from our customers since the first release, this module can't be making out without customers help .
As a return to their help, we offer 100% upgrade discount for customer who bought v6.8/6.9/7.1. For other old versions, we offer 80% upgrade discount.
8. Compatibility
1. DNN 9.2.
2. Sql server(or sql express) 2012/2014/2016/2017.
9. Help and support
Read the user guide.pdf in the package to see how to use this module
Click the online help link in DNN label to learn its meaning
Using the DNN store help tickets system to submit your question.
Visit our support forum for more specific problem solution.
Mail us at [email protected] if you need more directly assistance (or if you have any improvement suggestion)
10. Version Difference
Standard |
Enterprise |
Enterprise + Source |
Private Assembly |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Module Source (c#) |
No |
No |
Yes |
DNN site installation |
1 site |
Unlimited sites |
Unlimited sites |