The DnnDevelopers Injections Module allows you to inject various items into the HTML markup of a DotNetNuke web page. This content could be client-side scripts and SCRIPT tags, HTML comments, and CSS files or Styles.
Floating Action Buttons is the customizable floating buttons in the corner of your website. It can help to customize your websites, such as adding a button for WhatsApp Chat, Phone, Messenger, Social Media Sharing, and much, much more.
Responsive Testimonials display testimonials, reviews, or quotes with easiest templates and settings that can help you build awesome and unique testimonials showcase with responsive layouts and customizable styles.
A responsive tab automatically converts between a tabs interface and an accordion interface based on the screen size. It has more than 150 Template / Styles of Tabs easy to change the color schema and even can change the CSS file.
Cookie Consent module offers the fully customizable cookie popup/notifications with your content, link, theme style/layout and colors with the configurable position on the page. It has the option to show popup every time or browser-based state to show popup only once
on configured days.
The FAQ module is a user-friendly tool that enables the creation of dynamic FAQs on your DotNetNuke website. Utilizing our built-in FAQ-style templates, it displays frequently asked questions with ease. Additionally, users have the ability to customize the module's appearance with a variety of color schemes and icons. Furthermore, the module supports the inclusion of images and media files within the answers section via the text editor.
Cookie Popup module is the easy way to show the popup/notifications with your content, link and selected colored theme at the configured position. It has the option to show popup every time or browser-based state to show popup only once
on configured days. Inform users your GDPR Compliant status.
Logo Carousel / Slider module offers the easy approach to show the sponsor or partners logo with the smooth scrolling transitions. It offers configurations to set the speed, size and space of the logo and scrolling pane, stop when user mouse over any logo, opens logo URL when it gets clicked.