DNN Developer Logo Carousel / Slider module offers the easy approach to show the sponsor or partners logo with the smooth scrolling transitions.
It offers the configurations to set the speed, size and space of the logo and scrolling pane, stop when user mouse over any logo, opens logo URL when it gets clicked.
Compatible with DNN Version 7.X, 8.X, 9.X
Slider LIVE Demo (EDIT): http://modules.dnndeveloper.in/Logo-Carousel
- Add/Edit/Delete multiple logos along with the link, status, image title etc
- Order the logo position
- Deactivate or Activate the logo
- Adjust the speed of scrolling logo
- Adjust the step of scrolling logo
- Option to stop the scrolling when user mouse over on the logo
- Open to set the link URL on the same or new tab when user click on the logo
- Set the size of the scrolling logo pane
- Adjust the Logo size with an aspect ration
- Set the space/padding between the logo
Logo Carousel:

Logo Carousel: Edit Logos

Logo Carousel: Settings