Picture of Contact Form Builder (Responsive with reCAPTCHA and Auto Response)

Contact Form Builder (Responsive with reCAPTCHA and Auto Response)

posted by DnnDeveloper.In - 03/30/2018

Contact Form Builder module is the easiest way to design and generate the dynamic form, you can select/drop as many fields along with the options for the controls as per your requirements and end users can post the details to submit the details to the configured email address. It will take care of validation you configured from the form design section.

Design your own contact us form, by selecting input controls. 

  • Contact Form Builder allows designing your custom form with the bunch of HTML/input controls to choose and define the options for the control.
  • The dynamically designed form will be available for the end user to fill and post the details to the configured email addresses. You can define the comma-separated multiple emails as a recipient of the email to address along with the form message or redirection link and subject for the email.
  • You can set the colors for the label, help text/tooltip and define the style and caption of the submit button to match your DNN theme.
  • Add reCAPTCHA and Auto-Response with configured text or form details.
  • Form Designer allow to set the properties and attribute for the each input control like required, label name, help text, placeholder text, subtype of control (like email, text, telephone), maximum allowed characters and CSS style class, style of control like inline or defined other option by the user while filling the form.
  • You have the choice to set the required field validation for each control while designing the form; Form will take care of raising required field validation message.
  • You can use the single instance of RTE/TinyMCE but can't combine with the text area, you can use multiple text areas without any RTE/TinyMCE.
  • It’s responsive/device supportive layout for the form and email.
  1. Drag & Drop Form Builder: Easily generate the contact form in just a minute. 
  2. Mobile Friendly: 100% responsive, it works on mobile, tablets & desktop.  
  3. reCAPTCHA Support: Add the Google reCAPTCHA to validate the form
  4. Auto Response: Sends auto email on posting/submitting the form
Compatible with DNN Version 7.X, 8.X, 9.X

Contact FormBuilder LIVE Demo (EDIT):
Contact FormBuilder User Manual: ContactFormBuilder User Manual.pdf