Picture of DnnDeveloper Slider (Animate Text, Image and Button)

DnnDeveloper Slider (Animate Text, Image and Button)

posted by DnnDeveloper.In - 06/11/2017

The Slider is a cutting-edge and imaginative tool that boasts stunning animation effects for text and buttons overlaid onto slide images. With its user-friendly interface and easy management, creating dynamic and engaging sliders has never been simpler.

Compatible with DNN Version 7.X, 8.X, 9.X, 10.X
Slider LIVE Demo (EDIT)
  1. Compatible with DNN07x to DNN9.X
  2. Compatible with major browsers
  3. Mobile-friendly and configurable
  4. Offers 75 CSS animations that are visually stunning
  5. Provides tons of configuration options to suit your needs
  6. Automatically slides and pauses on mouse hover, with control over the speed of slide interval
  7. Allows you to change the Slider Transition Effects (Slide / Fade)
  8. Provides the option to use the default font of the skin or choose from the Google Fonts library
  9. Lets you add a black shadow to the font from the settings
  10. Allows you to adjust the font size of header text (H1 to H6) from the settings
  11. Offers a very user-friendly interface to edit/add/delete the slides
  12. Provides the ability to adjust the Left, Right, or Center content (header text and interactive button)
  13. Offers immediate image preview for the uploaded image in the Edit form
  14. Allows you to add multiple (two) header text (H1 to H6) to each slide
  15. It provides the option to add an animate effect for each of the header text
  16. Lets you choose the color for the header text
  17. Allows you to add multiple (two) interactive buttons to each slide
  18. Lets you assign a Navigation/Redirection link to each button
  19. Provides animation effect for each interactive button
  20. Lets you select the Bootstrap button style for the interactive button
  21. Allows you to enable/disable a slide
  22. Offers Ajax-enabled feature to get better performance

Extension Verification Service (EVS) Pass!

back-end edit form of Slider

Front end Slider
