Display guest comments on your website with the Guest-imonials module.
Guest-imonials is flexible and can be customised, making it suitable for displaying reviews or ratings for any products or services.
Customise field titles and indicate which fields to enable and display.
Indicate whether users can submit Guest-imonials, or limit this functionality to administrators.
Includes CAPTCHA
Configure Guest-imonials module to display all records, or set a number to display in latest or random order.
In summary/random mode - display items from any or all other Guest-imonials modules on the portal.
No need to import Guest-imonials into summary/random module - records update automatically as they are added.
Choose roles who can authorise newly added Guest-imonials.
Default fields include:
- Guest Name (required)
- Guest Comment (required)
- Date of Stay
- Guest Email
- Booking Reference
Configurable (localised) messages for:
- Add/Edit Guest-imonials form title
- Add/Edit Guest-imonials form introduction text
- Confirmation message displayed on submit
*** Australian Made
DNN 9.2.x
Download trial version and user guide here: http://puresec-ict.com.au/For-Techs/Modules/Module-Downloads