Import, Update and Export to Excel, CSV and XML; DNN Users info, Password, Roles with effective and expiry dates, Profile Properties (including address) and Custom Profile Properties with this powerful utility. For DNN 4.5+, 5 and 6. Module customization available.
Import and Export any Data from your database (single or multiple tables and views) using Visual tables selection, views selection, columns selection, table relationships and filters on columns. Export to Excel, CSV and XML.
New Features in v4.1
- Option to exclude Unauthorized Users before Exporting
- Option to search Users, based on Username, Email, FirstName, LastName, DisplayName and Role before Exporting
- Export Username, Password, FirstName, LastName, DisplayName, Email, User Roles, User Profile Properties including address and contact info, and Custom Profile Properties.
- Export user roles with Effective Date and Expiry Date.
- Export: User Creation Date, Last Activity Date, Last Login Date, Last Password Changed Date.
- Sort any column in ascending order or descending order by clicking on column name.
- Page wise display of users.
- Option to Export Current Page Users.
- Option to Export All Users.
- Export to Excel.
- Export to CSV.
- Export to XML .


- Import and register users in bulk.
- Import Users with Password, Roles, Profile Properties including address and contact info, and Custom Profile Properties.
- Import Multiple User Roles [semicolon (;) separated]
- Import user roles with Effective Date and Expiry Date
- Role created if not exists and user added to that role.
- Import new users and update existing users
- Use import feature to update existing user info, user password, user profile properties and user roles including effective date and expiry date
- Force Password Change for Imported Users
- Authorize / Unauthorize Imported Users
- Notify Imported Users
- 'User Role' Add / Delete Notification
- Keep / Delete Existing 'User Roles'
- Option to select/unselect columns in your data file.
- Option to map column from your data to any DNN Property column.
- Validation checks for required DNN fields and existing users.
- Colored display of errors and existing records in tabular format.
- Colored messages of 'successful' or 'failed' import with 'failure reason'.
- Message for displaying count of records imported out of total records.

New Features:

- Export any data from any table or combination of tables from your database.
- Visually select tables.
- Visually create relationships among tables.
- Visually select columns to export.
- Option for getting distinct records.
- Sort any column in ascending order or descending order by clicking on column name.
- Export to Excel (tab delimited), CSV, XML
- Option to add & remove Columns and Table Relationships while working with same tables.
Export Filtered Data
- Apply Filter to any column of any table and get your desired data
- Options for "Single Filter" and "Combination Filter"
- Apply as many "Single" and/or "Combination" Filters as you require.
- Option for adding and removing filters while working with same tables and columns.
- Display / Export data from database views
- Save configuration as SQL in a text file
- Load already saved configuration (SQL) to display / export the data
- Write your own SQL, save in a text file and Load the file to display / export the data based on your query

- Import any data into your database tables and views
- Update existing data of your database tables