What is Flex Events
Events management and publishing is one of the most popular features on internet. You can find event list on church websites, mesuem websites, library websites, stadium websites and many other kinds of websites. Flex Events allows you to easily do this job on DotNetNuke websites.
Flex Events allows you to setup locations and categories. Each event can be assisgned to one location and one or more categories. Site visitors can use locations and categories to easily filter your events. You can have dozens of fields to describe your events, and you can setup custom fields to describe your events if necessary. Custom fields can also be used to collect data from your clients when they book events.
You may wish your event list to have different kinds of layouts according to your web design. Flex Events comes with 6 event list views like Calendar view, Week view, Grid view and List view. All views are optimized to work on both desktop browsers and mobile devices. It is also possible to combine multiple module instances and display all events in an integrated module.
Mobile Friendlyis one of our top concerns when we develop this product. This product is responsive and works well on desktop browsers. The appearance of many UI elements on mobile devices are different with the desktop version. Flex Events is also especially enhanced for SEO purposes. For instance, when you browse events in your browser, pagination may be enabled so you will not get a long page. However, when web crawlers reach the same page, pagination is disabled so search engines can easily index your events and will not consider it to have too many levels.
Flex Events support online event booking, and you can choose to accept payment by Paypal, Authorize.NET and offline payment. Multiple pricing tiers and bulk discount can be defined with a few mouse clicks.
Why can Flex Events do
Flex Events allows you topublish one-time events and recurring events on DotNetNuke websites. We strongly recommend you to download the trial version and try it by yourself. There is a Load Dummy Data link in the trial version which allows you to build a dummy events module within a few seconds.
The main features of this product can be summarized to:
Publish recurring events : Flex Events allows you to easily create one-time events and recurring events. If an event first happens on Thursday, November 13, 2014, Flex Events allows you to recur this event every Thursday, 13th day of every month, or 2nd Thursday of every month. More complicated patterns can be defined to support irregular recurring events.
Six event list views : Similar to Ultra Media Gallery, Flex Events comes with six unique event list views, and it is expeted to have more. If you publish frequent events with same location, you can adopt Calendar view, if you only have a few events to publish, you can use Month view or SimpleList view, if your events happens in many geographical locations you can choose Map view. etc.
Online event booking : Flex Events allows your visitors to register or book events, when book an event Flex Events supports Paypal, Authorize.Net and offline payment, you can easily setup multiple pricing tiers and bulk discounts with a few monse clicks. Booking Time Window can be configured so events can only be booked during a specific time period.
What's new in version 2.0

Week View Demo
- Week Viewis now available. Week view is an ideal choice when you have many events which happen in one or a few locations.
- You can define one or more custom fields for events. Custom fields for events are extra fields of data you wish to enter and display for your events.
- You can define one or more custom fields for bookings. Custom Fields for bookings are extra questions you wish to ask when your clients book an event.
- A slideshow can be created and assigned to an event. Each slideshow may contain many slides, and a responsive image slider will be displayed in event detail page.
- Flex Events now allows you to set a minimum occupancy requirement for an event. Events without sufficient registration can be cancelled.
- The Calendar view and Week view allows you to export selected events in iCal format, which can be loaded to Google Calendar or calendar apps on mobile devices.
- Import from DNN Events. You can either import DNN Events from your local DNN database, or a remote database.
- Integrates PortalSkinHelper, which allows your DNN to always use portal skin, instead of Edit skin on Flex Events pages. PortalSkinHelper can be downloaded separatedly from our website for free, and it can be used to serve same purposes for other DNN modules.
- You can set a booking time window for event registration.
- Event managers can send newsletters to all users who booked an event.
- Export a full list of booked customers in Excel(.xlsx) format.
Online Demos
Grid View |
Calendar View |
Simple List View |
Cross Module Browser |
Features Highlights
- Fully written in C# and jQuery, fully localizable.
- Works on various kinds of websites like churchs, mesuems, libraries, stadiums...
- Mobile friendlyand fully responsive, please use it with a responsive skin.
- SEO friendly, for example, pagination are disabled and radio boxes are replaced to hyper links for web crawlers.
- Support DNN's iSearchable interface. Events can be searched by DNN search module.
- Support DNN's iPortable interface. You can easily export a Flex Events module instance and restore it somewhere else.
- Flex Events also has its a dedicated search module, which allows you to search events more efficiently.
- Search events with auto completion.
- Supports DNN's iPortable interface, module settings, events, related logos and files, can all be exported and restored somewhere else.
- A menu bar display on top side allows you to easily navigate through all management pages.
- Template driven, you can customize the event list template to change its appearance, or alter email template to change the email Flex Events send out.
- Flex Events comes with a free extension, PortalSkinHelper. This extension forces DotNetNuke to use the portal skin, instead of the edit skin, on any Flex Events pages. You can even use this extension to serve same purposes for any other DNN modules.
- Friendly URL. The URL to view each event can be replaced by a friendly version like this:

Locations and Categories
- Support unlimited loations and categories in each module instance.
- The sort orders of Locationn and categories can be easily adjusted by mouse drag-n-drop.
- Site visitors can search events by locations and categories.
- An event can be assigned to one loation but many categories.
- Use Google Maps auto completion to easily find a location.
- Time zone will be automatically idenfiedwhen add a location, loations in a module can have different time zones.
- The map of the location is displayed when view an event.
- Each category can be assigned a theme color, the color will be displayed in the category selection area.
Events Management
- You can create unlimited slideshows in each module instance, and assign a slideshow to an event.. A responsive slider will be displayed on the event detail page.
- You can define unlimited custom fields for events. Custom fields are extra fields of data you wish to enter and display for your events.
- Flex Events allows you to create one-time events and recurring events.
- Each event can be linked to one location and many categories.
- Flex Events supports featured events, which are displayed with higher priority or icons.
- An event can last a few hours, a day or a few days.
- Allows you to recur an event Periodically, Weekly, Monthly or Annually.
- Automatically identifies the start date of an event, if an event first happens on Thursday, November 27, 2014, Then the Annually recurring pattern allows you to recur this event on same day every November, OR The 4th Thursday of every November.
- A stop date can be assigned to each recurring event.
- Blackout datesand special recurring dates (the opposite of Blackout dates) are supported when create recurring events.
- When create a recurring events, so other products generate a new record for all recurring dates, so you might get a long event list with actual same stuff. Flex Events works in a different way, it only generates a new record for a date when it is about to come in next few months.
- A event logo can be assigned to every event, event logos can be easily reused by other events and are stored within the unique folder assigned by Flex Events.
- Automatically archive finished events after a few days.
- Files can be attahed to an event by HTML 5 Drag-n-drop upload.
Parent-child Calendar
- You can choose multiple Flex Events module instances as child calendars in the parent module instance.
- Events published in child calendars will also appear in their parent calendar.
- Locations and categories defined in parent calendar can be shared in their child calendars
- Child calendars can also have their own categories and locations.
- A Flex Events module instance can be used as child calendars in many parent calendars.
Events Booking & Registration
- You can define unlimited custom fields for bookings. Custom Fields are extra questions you wish to ask when your clients book an event.
- Booking time window, which determins during what time period an event can be booked, can be set.
- Minumum occupancycan be set for individual events. If the minumum occupancy is reached when the booking time window closes, the event will be marked pending cancellation.
- You can cancel an event due to insufficient bookings or other reasons.
- A complete list of paid customers of specific event can be downloaded in PDF or Excel format.
- Booking rolescan be set, you can allow event booking only for specefic roles.
- You can limit maximum occupancy of a booking by number of attendees or number of bookings.
- Free registrationis possible, you can also charge a flat cost for all bookings regardless to number of attendees, or you can choose to charge by number of attendees.
- Multiple pricing tierscan be easily defined, sort order of pricing tiers can be adjusted by mouse drag-n-drop.
- Bulk discountcan be defined with an absolute value or percentage value.
- Sales taxcan be collected for all users, or only users from a specefic state.
- Flex Events allows you to accept payment by Paypal, Authorized.Net and Offline payment.
- Users can find unpaid bookings, modify them, and pay it again with a different payment method.
- Admin users can search bookings by payment status, and download PDF version of customer list.
- Attached files can be either public or visible to paid customers only.
- View permissioncan be used to control which roles can see an event.
- Add permissioncan be given to DNN roles, which are allowed to add new events.
- Manage permissioncan be given to DNN roles, which are allowed to manage all events in a module.
- Permission is validated on all management pages.
- Flex Events allows you to import from DNN Events. You can easily transfer data of DNN Events from your local database or even a remote database.
- Flex Events comes with six event list views, including Calendar view, Month view, Grid view, Week views, etc.
- We are open to add more event list views to Flex Events. If you have any thoughts on this just let us know.
- You can build a custom event detail page with FXE-EventDetail.
- The Calendar view and Week view allow you to easily export a calender to iCal format, which can be loaded to Google Calendar, or the calendar app on mobile devices.
- Visitors can post reviews to events, a Review Need Approval option is available.
- Facebook and Twitter homepages of event organizers can be displayed along with an event.
- Visitors can share a event by social share links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn ...
- FXE-FreeEventList module allows you to build a short list of upcoming events.
- FXE-Calendar module allows you to build a tiny calendar with links to see events of these dates.
- FXE-CrossModuleBrowser module allows you to combine events in many modules and display them together.

Migrate from DNN Events

Menu bar for easy navigation

Custom fields for events and bookings

Image slideshow on event detail page

Customer report in .xlsx format

Theme color for each category

Add Event, basic options

Recurring events,weekly pattern

Recurring events, Monthly pattern

Pricing Tiers and Bulk Discount
Edition difference
Portal License |
Website License |
Server License |
Unlimited License |
Full feature support |
Redistribution |
Number of DNN instances
A DNN instance may host multiple portals |
1 DNN portal |
1 DNN instance |
Unlimited DNN instances
on single IP address |
Unlimited usages
on websites you build |
Customer support |
Free lifetime support |
Upgrade policy |
Free lifetime upgrade for all minor upgrades (e.g. 1.0 => 1.x) |
Sample and Trial
Visit http://www.bizzmodules.com to see 4 online event demos, a downloadable trial is available in Downloads page, fell free to play it before you buy.
User Guide
You can use our user guide to learn how to this product, you also can use it for evaluation purpose, click here to download it.
Upgrade Policy
All minor upgrades are free, for example, if you purchased Flex Events 1.0, you are eligible to upgrade to any future versions of Flex Events 1.x for free.
Our license upgrade program allows you to upgrade from one edition to another, for example, to upgrade from Website License to Unlimited License.