Picture of DNNSmart Super Redirector 3.0.0 - 11 types of redirect, country, IP, role, user, mobile, url,date,domain

DNNSmart Super Redirector 3.0.0 - 11 types of redirect, country, IP, role, user, mobile, url,date,domain

posted by - 09/15/2024
A Versatile
Redirector Module
It's a simple but useful module, it can be configured to redirect according to roles, user, URL referrrer, IP, country, mobile, url and so on. With the help of it, you can flexibly and conveniently control website visitors where to go.
Why DNNSmart Super Redirector?
Low Learning Cost
For most functions, you don't even need to read the documentation to understand how to use them.
Complete Documents
Almost every function has a corresponding supporting document or article description.
Reliable Support
If you have any need or question, we can reply you within 12 hours.
Compatible with DNN/Evoq 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.13.x
Azure Compatible, Support Responsive
Core Features
Configure Redirect Rules
In module back-end, admin can configure websites to redirect based on role, specific user, Url referrer, IP range, Country, Mobile, Url, datetime, parameters, login status and domain.
Redirect Report Feature
In module back-end, there's one Redirect Report page. On this page, it records Display Name, Redirect Target, Visit Page, Country, IP, Platform, Browser, Url Referrer, RedirectDate of the page which users visited.
Export & Clear Report
On "Redirect Report" page, admin can export redirect report to csv file and use Excel software to view the report. In addition, all reports can be cleared through the "Clear Reports" button.
Countdown Redirect Feature
After enabling this feature, users won't redirect directly and immediately when they meet the configured redirect rule. They will see one countdown firstly, then redirect after the countdown is over.
Redirects by Date and Time
On the Edit Rule page, a redirect rule based on date and time type was added. The admin can specify that the redirect will only occur within a certain date range.
Random Redirects
On the Option Settings page, there's one option called "Random Redirect". After admin check this option, front-end users will randomly executes the redirect rule that's included in the Manage Rule.
Simple To Use
It has one simple and smart interface, which can help users to configure website will redirect according to added rules. It's very easy to use and manage.
Sort Feature
On "Manage Rule" page, admin can drag the blue icon under "Sort" field to sort added rules and determine the order of executing these rules.
Configure Report Expiration Days
Admin can set the redirect reports to expire after how many days, and expired reports will be automatically deleted.
Configure Report Save Count
Admin can set how many records will be saved only, and the excess will be cleared automatically.
Delete Rules In Batches
On "Manage Rule" page, admin can delete added rules in batches through the option "Delete Selected Items".
Configure Countdown Time
In module back-end, admin can configure it will count down how many seconds. In default, it will be five seconds.
Redirect Or Not
There's an option "Redirect Or Not". In default, it will be true. After admin uncheck this option, it will own the highest priority. In that way, users won't redirect as long as it meets that piece of rule.
Configure Countdown Template
Admin can configure the template of countdown. Admin can also modify the content that users will see in the front-end, location of [Countdown] token can also be changed.
Redirects by Parameters
Redirect users based on parameters passed to current request in GET Query String, POST Data or Browser Cookies.
Some Screenshots
Quickly browse some front-end and back-end screenshots of our module,
which can help you evaluate our module more quickly.
What's new in 3.0.0?
  • Make it compatible with DNN 9.13.4.
  • Added a rule to redirect based on login status, allowing administrators to specify where users will be redirected after logging in.
  • Added domain redirection rules, if the module finds that the user is accessing an old domain, the module will take the user to a new domain.
  • Updated the redirect report page, added the function of searching based on date range, and changed the exported records from CSV format to XLS format. Greatly optimized data loading speed.
  • Greatly improves the execution efficiency of automatically deleting redirect records.
  • Due to too many redirect rules, the radio list control on the Edit Rule page was changed to a dropdown list control.
License & Support & Upgrade Policy

Single one DNN
portal installation

Free upgrade &
support within one year

Source code is
not included.

Redistribution is not permitted.


All portals within
one DNN instance

Free upgrade &
support within one year

Source code is
not included.

Redistribution is not permitted.


DNN instances

Free upgrade &
support within one year

Source code is
not included.

Redistribution is not permitted.


DNN instances

Free upgrade &
support within one year

Source code is

Redistribution is not permitted.

Free upgrade & support within one year

You can freely upgrade to all new versions we publish within one year after your purchase. No matter which version you purchased, we can provide free support within one year.

Pay for upgrade & support when your purchase is over one year.

When your purchase is over one year, you can pay half cost of purchased version to extend the following one year's upgrade & Support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get trial version?
Please go here and download trial version, it’s a 30 day free trial.
Where can I find documentation?, user manual of this module could be found here.
Where can I get support?
Please contact us through email and our email account is [email protected], we will reply within 12 hours.
Can I extend my trial?
Yes, please contact us through email, our email account is [email protected].
Are there any limitations with trial?
No, trial version has all the same functions with our production version.
Can I have one license for dev or staging site?
Of course you can, please contact us through email and our email account is [email protected].
When I purchase the module, will I lose all settings which I make during the trial?
Certainly not, all you need to do is to activate the module after you make the purchase.
Can I transfer the license from current site to a new site?
Of course you can, please contact us through email and our email account is [email protected].
Can I upgrade to different license type later?
If your purchase was made within the past 6 months, you only need to pay price difference to upgrade to a higher tier (and more value-packed) license. Please contact us through email and our email account is [email protected], we will give you instructions on how to operate.
If I upgrade my DNN version, do I also need to upgrade your module?
We suggest that you could upgrade our module to the latest version as we test and optimize for latest DNN version.
Contact Us
If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can send an email to us or submit a question on our site.