
Vendor FAQs

The DotNetNuke Store features thousands of products, available from hundreds of vendors (sellers). Many of these vendors have been selling on the site since it's earliest days. If you have questions about selling your products on The Store, refer to the FAQs listed below:

Q1. How do I sell my code at The Store's web site?

Posting your software for sale is free and easy. If you have a product you'd like to distribute, visit the "Add New Product" page.

Q2. What types products can I sell at The Store?

You can sell any modules, skins, skin objects, providers, widgets and other items you feel would provide value to users of DNN. Our goal is to help developers get maximum return for their development efforts while minimizing sales and support overhead. This gives customers the ability to view a wide range of products to meet their needs.

Q3. Do you have any estimates on quantity of items a developer might sell?

Product sales are difficult to forecast since each product can differ in function, features, and price. The best selling products appeal to the most common customer or site needs.

Q4. Does the The Store's web site support free products?

Yes, the DNN Store web site includes ability to post your product listing with a $0.00 value. Your customers can place an order for your item at that price.

Q5. Is full source code required for any products that I sell at The Store?

No, it is the vendor's choice whether to include the source code (although a requirement for inclusion in the DNN extensions catalog).

Most customers of The Store also value software that includes the source so they can ensure that the software can be customized to meet their needs.

Q6. What if my listing was removed?

Information on possible reasons the listing has been removed can be viewed here.

Q7. When I sell products on The Store, how often am I paid for my sales?

The payment process begins on the 1st and 15th of each month and payments are sent during that business week following both dates. The payment account can be setup on the [Your Account] > "My Seller Profile" page.

Q8. How are my sales proceeds reported for tax purposes?

You may consult your tax adviser about how to report your sales proceeds based on any requirements that may apply.

Q9. Does The Store collect sales tax for my product sales?

You can configure sales tax to be collected from your customers during checkout using the "Sales Tax Configuration" feature on your account page. The tax collected will be sent to you as a separate payment when your sales proceeds are sent.

Q10. Are there functions available to help with reporting?

Yes, reports are available on the Vendor Reports page.

Q11. How are the Top Seller lists calculated?

The lists in the Top Sellers area are based on the sales amounts for the previous two (2) weeks.

Q12. What is your payment rate?

Vendors selling products in the DNN Store earn 75% on each sale.