Special Image Slider is a nice module by DnnZone. It can be used to slide images using 35 unique transition effects. Special feature of this slider module is that you can also choose transition effect for each slide. Different styles of navigation bullets are also supported.
This slider is based on Java-script and CSS only. This nice looking module lets you to create an effective & beautiful slider for images or banners of any size. The only limitation is that all images in the slider should be of the same size.
35 unique transition effects are supported. This will help you to make the banner section more interactive and will allow you to show multiple images in the space of one image. This module can also be used as a product show-case. You are allowed to choose multiple effects.
Version 06.05.00
Version 06.00.00
Version 05.05.00
Version 05.00.00
- Added 3 new transition effects:
- Glass Cube
- Glass Block
- Random Smart
Version 04.00.00
- Extended the file browse control. You can either use DNN default file control or you can specify URL for image, if you are storing images out-side DNN portal
- Added support to specify date range (optional) for each image. Images will be displayed during the specified range only.
Version 03.00.00
- Added option to open links in new window
- Added support to link images with the sliders which are already available on portal using standard DNN file browsing control
Version 02.00.00
- Auto Play - check box to specify, if you need auto play or not
- Transition Speed - Enter value 1-5 to control the speed of transitions
- Customize Theme
- Control Border Thickness
- Border Color
- Bullet Background Color
- Active Bullet Color
- Hover Bullet Color
- Visual color picker is added for color fields
View module in action |
View blog post on how to install and use this module |
Get life time free upgrades for this module. |
- DNN 04.xx.xx
- DNN 05.xx.xx
- DNN 06.xx.xx
Details about available module settings |
Multiple module instances are supported on a single page |
This module supports uploading multiple images in the form of zip file. You can create a zip file of your images on your local computer. Manage Images has an option for zip upload. All images in the zip file will be linked with the module in a one step process. |

Module Configuration:
Other aspects of the sliders can be controlled from the module settings page, including:
- Transition Effects
- Bullets
- No Bullets
- Numeric Bullets
- Circular Bullets
- Show Navigation Arrows
- Show Captions
- Randomize Images
- Delay
- Image Dimension
32 Unique Transition Effects:
This module allows you to either specify the effect on slider level or you can define effects for each slide individually. Following extensive and nice looking transition effects are supported:
- Cube
- Cube Random
- Block
- Cube Stop
- Cube Hide
- Cube Size
- Horizontal
- Show Bars
- Show Bars Random
- Tube
- Fade
- Fade Four
- Paralell
- Blind
- Blind Height
- Blind Width
- Direction Top
- Direction Bottom
- Direction Right
- Direction Left
- Cube Stop Random
- Cube Spread
- Cube Jelly
- Glass Cube
- Glass Block
- Random Smart
- Circles
- Circles Inside
- Circles Rotate
- Cube Show
- Up Bars
- Down Bars
- Swap Bars
- Swap Bars Back
- Random
This module is built using HTML, CSS and Java-script only. No Flash is used.
You can review the product terms and license details here.
Browser Support:

This module might not work properly on IE 6
Live Demo:
You can access live demo here
Following screenshots describe the functionality of this module:
Module Settings Page:

Manage Images:

Slider View:

You can see it working here.
Known Issues:
Transparent images may give problem in IE.
You can find a blog post on how to use this module here.
Note: This slider slides images using java-script on client side. All images added to the slider should be of the same size. You can resize the slider area according to image dimensions from module settings page.