Picture of Page Load PopUp

Page Load PopUp

posted by Tech Polaju - 01/03/2021

You can use this module to show pop up with your message, announcementor news with a title on top. 

You can select one time or per browser session.

  1. Per browser session is to display the popup every time user visits your site
  2. One time will display the popup for just one time not every time user visit your site

You can reset if you need to display the pop up again in future with new message.

Browser Support:

Live Demo

How to use?

  1. Add module to the page.
  2. Go to Module Settings.
  3. Enter TitleMessage and Button Text. You can also select full screen option
  4. Click update

Please feel free to contact us in case of any support or query during installation.

Screen shots


Module Settings (Admin screen)

Full Screen mode


* indicates required

Intuit Mailchimp