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Create panes from HTML Content, DNN modules, RSS Feeds, or SQL Queries. Supports Multi Language Content, Pane Permissions, Search Engine Optimized (SEO), Themes, Nested Panes, and more...
Responsive Web Design (RWD) automatically adapts the layout to the viewing environment including Desktop, Tablets, & Mobile. *Requires Responsive DNN Theme.
Show HTML Content and/or multiple DNN Modules within each pane. Either stack Content/Modules one below another or wrap DNN Modules within HTML Content like a Module Wrapper.
Render panes anywhere on the page; even inside 3rd party DNN Modules. Individual panes content can be aggregated from various parts of the page.
Automatically creates panes from a RSS Feed. Options include ability to limit maximum number of panes, length of each pane’s title (either limited to # of characters or words) and cache duration in minutes.
Automatically creates panes from a SQL Query which can be executed against DNN Database or any other database. Options include ability to specify individual panes settings besides the required tab title and content.
Create new workflows with unlimited states and reviewers. Direct Publishing & Content Staging workflow available as well.
Create workflows that can be shared across all Mandeeps modules or restrict access to "Live Accordion" modules only or even a specific instance of Live Accordion module.
Quickly apply a new workflow to all Live Accordion modules on the page or even all modules across the entire site.
Central location to review all of your content changes. Approve or Reject changes not only from "Live Accordion" module but all other Mandeeps module that support Workflow Approval.
Automatic version tracking keeps a backup of your changes and allows you to quickly rollback to a previous version. Ability to specify number of previous versions to keep.
Content Editors can compare content changes between two versions side by side.
Dynamic Content Localization allows you to present different content for each Locale (Language)
Remembers the view state of the panes so users see last selected pane when they return to the page
Each pane can be configured to be visible to a specific security role (Includes All Users and Unauthenticated Users option)
Loads content of the pane only when it's activated; improves page load speed and performance.
Automatically selects a pane when a user hovers over it without a need for pane click.
Search engines WILL INDEX all of your panes content. Live Accordion also passes W3C XHTML 1.0 Validation.
Quickly grab the permanent url for each pane which will always bring the user to correct page, correct pane, and even correct position (it will scroll the page if needed to bring the module in view)
Each pane can be optionally configured to show within DNN Search Results. Search results bring the user to appropriate pane on the module. Our Intelligent Pane Links will not only auto select the correct pane, it will also scroll the page down (if needed) to bring the Live Accordion module in view.
Show panes within panes by simply embedding a Live Accordion module within another Live Accordion module.
Embedded modules will be able to communicate with other modules within Panes using IMC.
25 Themes are included out of the box and a flexible skinning engine allows you to create infinite more quickly and easily.
Quickly create new themes using the WYSIWYG jQuery Theme Roller editor. Creating new themes has never been easier.
Pane names are not limited to text labels only. An admin can show any text / html within pane header. It allows you to include Pane Icons and other text / html content.
Allows you to execute other functions based on Live Accordion Events. It can also be used programmatically manage Live Accordion from your own custom module or code.
Use all DNN Standard Tokens within your Pane Content. Tokens include User Information, Portal Information, Current Date/Time, etc.
Live Accordion specific tokens such as pane name, pane id, next pane link, prev pane link, and so on.
Module can be imported/exported as well as copied from one page to another or saved as a template.
Content is indexed and searchable by DNN built-in search engine.
Supports DNN Localization API to localize all static texts to native language.
90 Days Support
1 Year Support
Please refer to our End User License Agreement for complete details.
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From $199.95
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