Use Existing Page Modules
Tabs Pro creates tabs from existing modules on current page. This means any module - HTML, links, forums, FAQs, galleries, etc. - can be included in tabs
Stack Modules in Accordion
Optionally, when you have more that one module displayed in same tab, you can configure the tab to show them inside Accordion control so to optimize space and navigation
Accordion Layout
Tabs Pro can be configured that instead tabs it displays an accordion control. This is better when for example you have limited width.
Tabs Position
Tabs Pro let's you choose either the tabs should be displayed on top, bottom, left or on the right side of content
Multiple Modules on a Tab
With Tabs Pro you can include as many modules as you need in one tab
Google Analytics Integration
Tabs Pro integrates tabs with Google Analytics to track individual pages
Popup/Dialog Layout
Another powerful feature is to encapsulate the tabs inside a popup window. So when an action occurs (such as clicking a link) the dialog opens revealing the tabs
Tab with Custom URL
Tabs Pro allows specifying an URL for a tab so when it's clicked on the front-end it redirect the browser to that page instead of expanding to show some modules
Easy Administration
Tabs Pro manage screen features tabbed interface where each tab represents a tab on the front end and contains the settings that affect it appearance and behavior
Tab Localization
Tabs Pro supports localization for Tab Names. Note that since Tabs Pro includes the existing modules from the page, localization of those modules depends on whether they support it
Integration with Google CDN
Tabs Pro can be configured to load themes from Google Code CDN, usually resulting in faster downloads; also, the themes may already be cached by the browser from visiting other sites
Tab Persistance - URL Bookmarks
Tabs Pro can be configured to put the active tab in the URL which will look like; this is especially useful for sharing
Tab Persistance - Postback
Tabs Pro can be configured to keep active tab selected during postbacks
Tab Persistance - Cookies
Tabs Pro can be configured to save active tab in browser cookies, so when user comes back to the page the last active tab becomes visible
If MyTokens is installed, Tabs Pro will call it to replace tokens in tab title
Tabs Pro takes advantage of jQueryUI theming mechanism. It allows selecting from any of the pre-built themes
Custom Themes
It is possible to create own skins using jQuery UI Theme Roller ( and copy them in the Tabs Pro themes folder
Icon Support
Ability to provide an icon URL (or select it from portal folders) that will be displayed next to the tab title on the front end.
Font Awesome Icons Integration
Tabs Pro integrate Font Awesome library for using them as tab icons
Your DNN tabs can automatically resize themselves to fit neatly on the page, regardless of the size of your screen or device
Fallback to Accordion on Mobile Devices
On mobile devices, Tabs Pro is configured to automatically switch to accordion layout
Cross-Browser Support
Tabs Pro works on Firefox, IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Opera, Chrome, Safari, etc.
Transition Effects
Tabs Pro comes with two effects supported by jQuery UI Tabs plugin: fade and slide. More will be added in future versions
Configure Open Action
Tabs Pro can be configured to open tabs on click (default) or on mouse hover